
Press Releases

Congress Approves Intel Bills

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Congress Approves Intel Bills Cyber bill, Intel Authorization Act pass in omnibus House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes and Ranking Member Adam Schiff released the following statements after Congress approved the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 and the FY16 Intelligence Authorization Act as part of the omnibus spending bill:   Chairman Nunes: “The…

Key Intel Bills Added to Omnibus Legislation

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The omnibus spending bill filed in the House of Representatives today includes the Cybersecurity Act of 2015 and the FY16 Intelligence Authorization Act. Versions of both bills have passed the House of Representatives with large, bipartisan majorities. The Cybersecurity Act of 2015 is similar to the Protecting Cyber Networks Act (H.R. 1560), which passed the House on April 22 by a vote…

Chairmen Nunes, Thornberry, Frelinghuysen Announce Creation of Joint Task Force to Investigate Allegations of Intelligence Manipulation

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Chairmen Nunes, Thornberry, Frelinghuysen Announce Creation of Joint Task Force to Investigate Allegations of Intelligence Manipulation  House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, and House Appropriations Committee Defense Subcommittee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen released the following…

Chairman Nunes Comments on FBI Investigation of San Bernardino Attack

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Chairman Nunes Comments on FBI Investigation of San Bernardino Attack House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement today after the FBI announced it is investigating the San Bernardino attack as an act of terrorism: “I commend the FBI for acknowledging the San Bernardino killings as an act of terror. It is now time for…

House Passes Updated Intelligence Authorization Act

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House of Representatives Passes Updated Intelligence Authorization Bill  The House of Representatives today overwhelmingly approved the Fiscal Year 2016 Intelligence Authorization Act (HR 4127) on a bipartisan 364-58 vote.    The House had previously approved an Intelligence Authorization Act in June. The new version, updated to include measures in the bill reported out by…

Chairman Nunes Comments on Paris Terror Attacks

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Chairman Nunes Comments on Paris Terror Attacks House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement today in reaction to the terror attacks in France: “The horrific massacres in Paris confirm an array of warnings from our Intelligence Community that the West is at an extremely high terror threat level. These threats will not…

Nunes to Remain as Intel Committee Chairman

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Nunes to Remain as Intel Committee Chairman Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22) today issued the following statement announcing his intention to remain Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: “I am honored to have been asked by the new Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, to continue serving as Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee. Our nation faces…

Nunes Hails Senate Passage of Cybersecurity Bill

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House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the following statement today after the Senate passed the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act: “I congratulate the Senate Intelligence Committee, Chairman Burr, and Vice Chairman Feinstein on the Senate’s passage of this vital bill. Earlier this year, the House Intelligence Committee worked…

Nunes Statement on China Cyber Agreement

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Nunes Statement on China Cyber Agreement House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes issued the following statement today in response to the announcement that President Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have reached an accord on cybersecurity. “The new agreement between the United States and China regarding economic espionage would be a big step…