
Press Releases

HPSCI Passes Cyber Bill Out of Committee

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HPSCI Passes Cyber Bill Out of Committee Protecting Cyber Networks Act adopted on voice vote By a voice vote, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence today favorably reported the Protecting Cyber Networks Act (H.R. 1560) to the full House of Representatives. A manager’s amendment making technical changes to the bill language was adopted on a voice vote following…

HPSCI Members Comment on Introduction of Cyber Bill

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HPSCI Members Comment on Introduction of Cyber Bill Intelligence Committee bill encouranges information sharing on cyber threats House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, Ranking Member Adam Schiff, NSA and Cybersecurity Subcommittee Chairman Lynn Westmoreland, and Subcommittee Ranking Member Jim Himes issued the following statements on the introduction today…

House Intelligence Committee to Examine the Growing Cyber Threat and Its Impact on American Business

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House Intelligence Committee to Examine the Growing Cyber Threat and Its Impact on American Business  HPSCI to hold open hearing Chairman Devin Nunes and Ranking Member Adam Schiff of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) announced today that the Committee will hold an open hearing to publicly examine the growing cyber threat and its impact on American…

House Intelligence Committee Postpones Cyber Threat Hearing

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March 4, 2015 Contact Jack Langer (Nunes) - Patrick Boland (Schiff) - House Intelligence Committee Postpones Cyber Threat Hearing Due to the change in voting schedule for the House of Representatives this week, the House Intelligence Committee’s March 5 hearing on cyber threats has been postponed. A new notice will be issued once a…

Nunes Comments on Closure of U.S. Embassy in Sanaa

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Nunes Comments on Closure of U.S. Embassy in Sanaa Chairman Nunes today released the following statement in response to the suspension of operations at the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa, Yemen, after Iranian-backed Houthi rebels seized control of the city and forced the Yemeni government to resign:    “This is yet another indication of Iran’s aggressive efforts –…

HPSCI Members Comment on Arrest of ISIL Supporters

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HPSCI Members Comment on Arrest of ISIL Supporters House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes, Ranking Member Adam Schiff, Emerging Threats Subcommittee Chairman Tom Rooney, and Emerging Threats Subcommittee Ranking Member Mike Quigley issued the following statements in response to the FBI’s arrest of six U.S.-based individuals for attempting to provide…

Nunes, Westmoreland Comment on Anthem Hack

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Nunes, Westmoreland Comment on Anthem Hack Rep. Devin Nunes, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Rep. Lynn Westmoreland, Chairman of the Intelligence Committee’s NSA and Cybersecurity Subcommittee, released the following statements today in reaction to the cyberattack on Anthem health insurer: Chairman Nunes: “Alongside the recent cyberattack on Sony, the…

Nunes Comments on GITMO Prisoners Reported Return to Terror

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Nunes Comments on GITMO Prisoner’s Reported Return to Terror Chairman Nunes today released the following statement in response to news reports that one of the GITMO detainees released in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has tried to return to terrorism:   “I cannot confirm or deny the report that a GITMO detainee freed in the Bergdahl swap has attempted to undertake…

HPSCI Adopts New Subcommittees

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HPSCI Adopts New Subcommittees At today’s organizing meeting of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the committee adopted a new subcommittee structure and named its subcommittee chairmen, ranking members, and members. Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement: “The Intelligence Committee has adopted a new subcommittee structure designed to…

Chairman Nunes Responds to State of the Union

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Chairman Nunes Responds to State of the Union Chairman Nunes released the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union address: “Although the House of Representatives passed a cybersecurity bill in the last Congress, our efforts died in the Senate amid a presidential veto threat. So I welcome the President's recognition tonight of the urgent…