
Press Releases

Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Turner Holds Open Panel With Think Tank Experts

  • 5.15.24 Turner Opening Remarks Thumbnail

Today, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (OH-10) held a full committee open panel with the Hudson Institute's Rebecca Heinrichs, the Atlantic Council's Matthew Kroenig, and the Center for Strategic & International Studies' Kari Bingen and Emily Harding about national security issues facing the United States.

Click here or on the image above to view Chairman Turner's opening remarks.

I would like to welcome all in attendance and those viewing the broadcast to the fifth open panel held by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence in the 118th Congress.

I would also like to thank our panelists for their willingness to participate in today’s panel.

This event is the latest in a series of open panels HPSCI has conducted this Congress to inform our agenda, and includes four Think Tank Experts, including:

  • Rebeccah L. Heinrichs, Senior Fellow and Director of the Keystone Defense Initiative at the Hudson Institute. Ms. Heinrichs currently serves as a commissioner on the bipartisan Strategic Posture Commission and also serves on the U.S. Strategic Command Advisory Group and the National Independent Panel on Military Service and Readiness;
  • Matthew Kroenig, Vice President and Senior Director at the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security at the Atlantic Council. Mr. Kroenig is a commissioner on the bipartisan Strategic Posture Commission, previously served in the Department of Defense and the intelligence community during the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, and is also a tenured professor of government and foreign service at Georgetown University;
  • Kari A. Bingen, Director of the Aerospace Security Project and Senior Fellow of the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic & International Studies. Ms. Bingen previously served as the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security and the policy director on the House Armed Services Committee;
  • Emily Harding, Director of the Intelligence, National Security, and Technology Program and Deputy Director of the International Security Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Ms. Harding previously served as deputy staff director on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and in positions at the CIA and National Security Council.

I want to thank you all of you for participating today.

As you know, with the number of conflicts that are currently occurring around the world, your thoughts and contributions today will be most important.

Israel is at war with Hamas, China is considering invading Taiwan, and Vladimir Putin continues his ruthless aggression against Ukraine. What is the proper role of the Intelligence Community in our nation’s response to these conflicts?

FBI Director Christopher Wray has stated that he believes the United States is at its greatest risk of a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. What can this committee do to keep the American people safe?

How can our oversight of the Intelligence Community today be enhanced?

And finally, what advice or lessons learned can these experts provide to members of the Committee today?

Your advice, your recommendations, and your unique perspectives will play a vital role in helping the Committee continue its work toward safeguarding Americans from the dangers that are circling our country.

With that, I yield our Ranking Member.

Read the full opening statement from the Hudson Institute's Rebeccah Heinrichshere.

Read the full opening statement from the Atlantic Council's Matthew Kroenighere.

Read the full opening statement fromthe Center for Strategic & International Studies'Kari Bingenhere.

Read the full opening statement fromthe Center for Strategic & International Studies'Emily Hardinghere.