Press Releases
Intel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Call Meeting with President Obama on FISA “productive”
Washington, DC,
August 1, 2013
Susan Phalen
((202) 225-4158)
Statement by Chairmen and Ranking Members of House and Senate Intelligence CommitteesIntel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Call Meeting with President Obama on FISA “productive” “Our meeting with President Obama today on FISA was productive. There was agreement in the room the NSA call record program (Section 215) is not a domestic surveillance program. We will continue to work through the August recess on proposals to improve transparency and strengthen privacy protections to further build the confidence of the American public in our nation’s counterterrorism programs.” -30- **For regular updates, “Like” the HPSCI Facebook page, follow @HouseIntelComm on Twitter or go to the HPSCI Website. To unsubscribe/ subscribe to Committee email updates, click here to update your preferences