Press Releases
Chairman Rogers Questions Obama Administration on Negotiations with Iran over Nuclear Program
Washington, DC,
November 24, 2014
Susan Phalen
Chairman Rogers Questions Obama Administration on Negotiations with Iran over Nuclear Program “The Obama Administration's Iran nuclear negotiations have done little to advance the security of the United States and our allies, but they have benefited Iran. As these negotiations drag on, Iran continues to enrich uranium, is free to pursue some nuclear-related R&D, and has been handed access to previously frozen assets and an easing of sanctions. At the same time, the United States has received little in return but a promise to keep talking. Iran has not provided the U.N. complete access to its military research facilities, has not fully disclosed its past activities, and continues its work on ballistic missiles. The few restrictions on its nuclear program to which Iran has agreed are reversible. Moreover, as its draws out the talks, Iran has propped up the Assad regime, supported Hizbollah, and benefited from a separate nuclear deal with Russia. While the White House longs for a deal, Iran strengthens its hand. It is time for the Administration to reconsider its entire approach to Iran.” -30- **For regular updates, “Like” the HPSCI Facebook page, follow @HouseIntelComm on Twitter or go to the HPSCI Website. To unsubscribe/ subscribe to Committee email updates, click here to update your preferences |