Press Releases
Nunes Comments on GITMO Prisoner’s Reported Return to Terror
Washington, DC,
January 29, 2015
Jack Langer
Nunes Comments on GITMO Prisoner’s Reported Return to Terror Chairman Nunes today released the following statement in response to news reports that one of the GITMO detainees released in exchange for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has tried to return to terrorism: “I cannot confirm or deny the report that a GITMO detainee freed in the Bergdahl swap has attempted to undertake terrorist activities. However, the overall problem of GITMO detainees returning to the battlefield constitutes a growing threat to the United States, our allies, our interests, and our citizens. If President Obama continues to release these dangerous terrorists, there will be a steep price to pay – very likely in lost American lives. As Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, I will conduct the most rigorous oversight possible, in coordination with other congressional committees of jurisdiction, of the threats posed to the United States by these former GITMO detainees.” ### |