
Press Releases

House Intelligence Committee Passes Fiscal Year 2016 Intelligence Authorization Bill

House Intelligence Committee Passes
Fiscal Year 2016 Intelligence Authorization Bill

 By a unanimous voice vote, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence today reported the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 (H.R. 2596) to the full of House of Representatives.  

This legislation provides the Intelligence Community authorization needed to protect and defend the United States. It supports critical national security programs such as those protecting Americans against terrorism and cyberattacks. The total funding authorized by the bill is consistent with the Budget Resolution and the Budget Control Act, balancing fiscal discipline and national security.

Among other things, the legislation:        

·         Sustains critical capabilities to fight terrorism and counter the proliferation of
           weapons of mass destruction.

·         Funds efforts to recover from unauthorized disclosures of intelligence capabilities.

·         Sustains activities in Afghanistan and Iraq to continue the fight against ISIS, al Qaeda,
           and the Taliban.

·         Invests in the resiliency of our national security space architecture.

·         Provides policy direction on sensitive intelligence operations.

·         Promotes intelligence integration and sharing through investment in Intelligence
           Community-wide information technology enterprises.

·         Enhances investments in military intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft.

·         Funds initiatives to thwart cyberattacks and insider threats.

·         Requires a report every 60 days on foreign fighters in Syria and Iraq.

“This bill will ensure that the Intelligence Community receives the resources it needs to continue protecting Americans from attack by a wide array of foreign adversaries,” said Chairman Nunes. “The legislation is a crucial component of the committee’s oversight responsibilities, and I look forward to swift consideration of the bill by the full House of Representatives.”