Press Releases
Chairman Nunes Comments on FBI Investigation of San Bernardino Attack
Washington, DC,
December 4, 2015
Jack Langer
Chairman Nunes Comments on FBI Investigation House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Chairman Devin Nunes released the following statement today after the FBI announced it is investigating the San Bernardino attack as an act of terrorism: “I commend the FBI for acknowledging the San Bernardino killings as an act of terror. It is now time for President Obama to acknowledge this act was committed by the same Islamic jihadist movement – including al Qaeda and its estranged sister organization ISIS – that we have battled for fifteen years. Despite the President's statements that ISIS is contained and that al Qaeda is on the run, the events in San Bernardino show that the threat is real and growing. For the sake of the safety of the American people and our allies, the President must use every available resource to take the fight to the enemy.” ### |