
Reports and Letters

FISA Abuse

Nunes Letter to Schiff on IG Report on FISA Abuse

IG Report on FISA Abuse


HPSCI FISA Memo Key Points

HPSCI FISA Memo Charge and Response

Democrat Memo Key Points

Democrat Memo Charge and Response

FISA TItle I Summary

Russia Investigation

Russia Report

Russia Report Findings and Recommendations

Audio of Full Russia Report

Audio of Russia Report Individual Chapters

Audio of Full Russia Report: Youtube

Investigation Parameters

Investigation by the Numbers

Need for Urgent Action on Election Security

Witness Transcripts


Letter to the U.S. Government Accountability Office

Letter to the Department of Defense for Answers on Intel Leaks

Letter from Turner, Rogers, McCaul about Rosatom Fueling China's Nuclear Breakout

Letter from Turner, Rogers, McCaul on Russian New START Treaty Violations

Letter to the ODNI for a national security damage assessment of highly classified information recovered at unsecure non-government office used by then Vice President Joe Biden

Letter to the acting archivist of the United States to provide Mar-a-Lago to provide criminal referral documents

Letter to the FBI demanding they produce court filings, documents, findings related to Mar-a-Lago raid

Letter to the FBI demanding a briefing on raid at Mar-a-Lago

Letter from Turner, Rogers, McCaul to Biden about Russia's nuclear intimidation

Letter from Turner, Jordan to the FBI about FISA queries

Letter from Turner, Katko to the Department of Homeland Security about the suspension of the Disinformation Board

Letter to President Biden requesting classified briefing about his call with President Xi

Letter to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence urging support for humanitarian efforts, declassify, and catalogue potential war crimes

Letter to President Biden calling for aircraft, air-defense systems for Ukraine

Letter to the Secretary Austin and Secretary Blinken urging them to send military equipment to Ukraine

Letter from Turner, Jordan, McCaul, Katko to Jake Sullivan questioning the Administration's decision to release Russian cybercriminal

GAO Letter

Letter to Jake Sullivan encouraging him to send Polish aircraft to Ukraine

Letter to FBI Director Wray regarding November 16, 2021 Roundtable

Letter from White House outlining the Intelligence Community's Concerns with the Democrat Memo

Letter to DNI on unmasking legislation

Letter to DNI requesting info on cyberattacks

Letter to SecDef and DNI about reported recommendation to remove NSA Director

Letter to FBI Director requesting additional info on FBI Clinton email probe

Letter to President warning of Russia nuke violations

Letter to State Dep't IG requesting immediate removal of Under Secretary Kennedy

Letter to Sec. of State requesting immediate removal of Under Secretary Kennedy

Letter to IC officials urging faster declassification of bin Laden documents

Letter to President urging him not to pardon Edward Snowden

Letter to President expressing objections to latest GITMO release

Letter requesting fresh look at Iran intelligence

Majority Member letter on GITMO 5

HPSCI Republicans call for new chairman


The Intelligence Community 51: How CIA Contractors Colluded with the Biden Campaign to Mislead American Voters

Chairman Turner and Ranking Member Himes Issue Bipartisan Report About Sexual Assault and Harassment at the Central Intelligence Agency

House Intel Releases ODNI Report on Food Security Impact of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

House Intel Releases Interim Staff Report About the IC51 Hunter Biden Laptop Statement

Rep. Wenstrup releases HPSCI's COVID-19 origins report

Rep. Wenstrup releases HPSCI's COVID-19 origins report

Interim Report on Origin of COVID-19 Outbreak

Executive summary of DIA Report

Russia Report

Snowden Report

Executive summary of Snowden Report

Snowden Report highlights

Highlights of GAO JIAC Reports

Background on GAO Phase Two JIAC Report

Initial Findings of the JTF on U.S. Central Command Intelligence Analysis

Nat Sec issues posed by Huawei and ZTE

Executive summary of the 2005 FBI-CIA joint assessment on Saudi Government support for terrorism

Declassified "28 Pages" from 9/11 report