
Press Releases

Nunes Opening Statement for Sondland Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Sondland Hearing on Impeachment November 20, 2019   As I’ve noted before, the Democrats on this committee spent three years accusing President Trump of being a Russian agent. In March 2018, after a year-long investigation, Committee Republicans issued a 240-page report describing in detail how the Russians meddled in the 2016 elections and…

Nunes Opening Statement for Cooper and Hale Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Cooper and Hale Hearing on Impeachment November 20, 2019   As we Republicans have argued at these hearings, the American people are getting a skewed impression of these events. That’s because the Democrats assumed full authority to call witnesses, and they promptly rejected any new witnesses the Republicans requested. So I’d like to take a…

Nunes Opening Statement for Vindman and Williams Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Vindman and Williams Hearing on Impeachment November 19, 2019 I’d like to address a few brief words to the American people watching at home. If you watched the impeachment hearings last week, you may have noticed a disconnect between what you actually saw and the mainstream media accounts describing it. What you saw were three diplomats, who…

Nunes Opening Statement for Morrison and Volker Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Morrison and Volker Hearing on Impeachment November 19, 2019   Welcome back to the circus, ladies and gentlemen. We are here to continue what Democrats tell us is a serious, somber, and even “prayerful” process of attempting to overthrow a duly elected president. If they’re successful, the end result would be to disenfranchise tens of…

Nunes Opening Statement for Yovanovitch Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Yovanovitch Hearing on Impeachment November 15, 2019 It’s unfortunate that today, and for most of next week, we will continue engaging in the Democrats’ day-long TV spectacles instead of solving the problems we were all sent to Washington to address. We now have a major trade agreement with Canada and Mexico ready for approval—a deal that would…

Nunes Opening Statement for Kent and Taylor Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Kent and Taylor Hearing on Impeachment November 13, 2019 In a July open hearing of this committee following publication of the Mueller report, the Democrats engaged in a last-ditch effort to convince the American people that President Trump is a Russian agent. That hearing was the pitiful finale of a three-year-long operation by the Democrats,…

Nunes letter requests Schiff deposition

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House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes today sent a letter to committee Chairman Adam Schiff requesting that Chairman Schiff sit for a closed-door deposition concerning contact between Chairman Schiff's office and the Ukraine whistleblower. The letter is available here.  

September 26 Nunes Opening Statement for Whistleblower Disclosure Hearing

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Nunes Opening Statement for Whistleblower Disclosure Hearing September 26, 2019 I want to congratulate the Democrats on the rollout of their latest information warfare operation against the President, and their extraordinary ability once again to enlist the mainstream media in their campaign. This operation began with media reports—from the prime instigators of the Russian collusion…

July 24 Nunes Opening Statement for Mueller Hearing

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Nunes Opening Statement for Mueller Hearing July 24, 2019 Welcome, everyone, to the last gasp of the Russian collusion conspiracy theory, as the Democrats continue to foist this spectacle on the American people as well as on you Mr. Mueller.    As the American people may recall, the media first began spreading this conspiracy theory in the spring of 2016 when Fusion GPS,…