
Press Releases

HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Urges All to Weigh the Intelligence and Fully Consider the Impact on US Interests

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HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Urges All to Weigh the Intelligence and Fully Consider the Impact on US Interests “In response to the Assad regime’s brutal chemical weapons attack last week, President Obama will seek congressional authorization for the use of military force in Syria.  Members of Congress and the American people have many questions about the dire…

Statement by HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers on President Obama's Remarks on FISA

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Statement by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers "The President today made clear what we have been saying for several weeks, that we will continue to work through the August recess on proposals to improve transparency and strengthen privacy protections to further build the confidence of the American public in our nation’s counterterrorism…

Intel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Call Meeting with President Obama on FISA productive

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Statement by Chairmen and Ranking Members of House and Senate Intelligence CommitteesIntel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Call Meeting with President Obama on FISA “productive” “Our meeting with President Obama today on FISA was productive. There was agreement in the room the NSA call record program (Section 215) is not a domestic surveillance program. We will…

HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Announces Staff Changes

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HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers Announces Staff Changes   House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers today announced changes to the Committee’s leadership staff.  Darren Dick has been appointed Staff Director. Darren has served as HPSCI’s Deputy Staff Director since January 2011. Additionally, Chairman Rogers promoted Katie Wheelbarger to serve as the Deputy…

Intel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Slated to Meet with President Obama Today on FISA

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Statement by Chairmen and Ranking Members of House and Senate Intelligence Committees Intel Committee Chairs and Ranking Members Slated to Meet with President Obama Today on FISA "We have conducted thorough oversight of FISA, and the business records provision in particular. We believe this provision has contributed substantially to our counterterrorism successes since its…

Joint Statement by HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger

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Joint Statement by HPSCI Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger “Inaccurate Information on “XKEYSCORE” is irresponsibly misleading”    Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Ruppersberger of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, released the following statement regarding the recent disclosure of the NSA program:…

Joint Statement by Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Ruppersberger on the Bradley Manning Verdict

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Joint Statement by Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member Ruppersberger on the Bradley Manning Verdict "Justice has been served today. PFC Manning harmed our national security, violated the public's trust, and now stands convicted of multiple serious crimes. There is still much work to be done to reduce the ability of criminals like Bradley Manning and Edward Snowden to harm our…

Statement by Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger on the Senate Confirmation of James Comey to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

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Statement by Chairman Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger on the Senate Confirmation of James Comey to be Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation “We congratulate Jim Comey on his appointment to be the next director of the FBI.  The FBI has made tremendous strides in its post 9/11 transformation and we look forward to working with Jim to complete the…

Joint Statement by House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger on the Defeat of the Amash Amendment

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         Joint Statement by House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers and Ranking Member                       C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger on the Defeat of the Amash Amendment “The amendment defeated on the House Floor would have eliminated a crucial counterterrorism tool by dismantling a critical NSA…