
Press Releases

ADVISORY: House Intelligence Committee to hold public hearing on worldwide threats

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Tuesday, March 8 at 10 a.m. ET, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) will hold a full-committee hearing on worldwide threats. The heads of key Intelligence Community (IC) agencies will testify on the full range of threats to U.S. interests.   The hearing will focus on the potential threats posed by adversarial states like China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.…

Nunes Opening Statement for Hearing on Diversity in the IC

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Ranking Member Nunes Opening Statement Hearing on Diversity in the IC October 27, 2021 On its website, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence asserts that the Intelligence Community focuses on “the missions of cyber intelligence, counterterrorism, counterproliferation, counterintelligence, and on the threats posed by state and non-state actors challenging U.S. national…

Nunes Opening Statement for Worldwide Threats Hearing

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Ranking Member Nunes Opening Statement Worldwide Threats Hearing April 15, 2021 In their press release announcing this hearing, the Democrats accused the Trump administration of refusing to participate in open hearings on worldwide threats because President Trump allegedly didn’t want agency heads to contradict his views of rival nations. But the real reason Trump officials didn’t…

Ranking Member Nunes Welcomes New HPSCI Republicans

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Today, House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes issued the following statement on new members appointed to the committee for the 117th Congress: “I’d like to welcome Members of Congress Brian Fitzpatrick, Trent Kelly, Darin LaHood, and Markwayne Mullin to the House Intelligence Committee. This committee has a unique role to ensure that the…

Nunes Opening Statement for Hearing with Joseph B. Maher

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Hearing with Joseph B. Maher October 2, 2020 Welcome to another hearing of the Trump Impeachment Committee, formerly known as the House Intelligence Committee. I’ll begin by noting that there’s no reason for this hearing to be held in public except to try to stir up media interest in the Democrats’ latest publicity stunt—their attack on the…

Ranking Member Nunes introduces the Holding China Accountable Act

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Today, Congressman Devin Nunes introduced the Holding China Accountable Act in the House of Representatives. Communist China continually and shamelessly steals American technological innovation and proprietary information to benefit the regime in Beijing and the state-run companies it operates. The years-long campaign of theft and espionage has continued despite repeated warnings by…

HPSCI Republicans statement on Britain's decision to allow Huawei to help build its 5G network

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All nine Republican members of the House Intelligence Committee today issued the following statement: "Britain’s decision to allow Huawei to help build its 5G network is deeply concerning. China is seeking to dominate global telecommunication infrastructure for strategic reasons, not commercial ones—a fact that the Chinese government has made plain. Huawei is not simply a…

Ranking Members Nunes, Jordan, and McCaul release Report of Evidence in the House Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry

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Washington, DC – House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Ranking Member Devin Nunes, House Committee on Oversight and Reform Ranking Member Jim Jordan, and House Committee on Foreign Affairs Ranking Member Michael McCaul released their Report of Evidence in the Democrats' Impeachment Inquiry in the House of Representatives today. The report is available here.

Nunes Opening Statement for Hill and Holmes Hearing on Impeachment

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Rep. Devin Nunes Opening Statement for Hill and Holmes Hearing on Impeachment November 21, 2019   Throughout these bizarre hearings, the Democrats have struggled to make the case that President Trump committed some impeachable offense on his phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky. The offense itself changes depending on the day, ranging from a quid pro quo, to extortion, to…